Friday, September 10, 2010

The Human Race = 6.6 Billion Morons

One of the reasons for running this blog is my incredible frustration knowing that I will die because you idiots are too stupid to realize the most simple, obvious truths - that your lives are ticking away and you are doing nothing to stop your death (or mine).

Sadly, I can't save myself, as I can't do all the research needed to stop the aging process and cure cancer (or whatever horrible disease is going to kill me). I need others for this.

So, meanwhile, you idiots go about your useless lives like so many locusts - wasting precious time and energy on pointless activities that have nothing to do with saving my life (or yours)! In fact, most people in the USA are too stupid to even stop stuffing food in their mouths, and will die 20 years prematurely from a heart attack or stroke. Way to go, dude! In other countries, they are either starving or trying to kill each other. What a mad house!

And because people are such incredible morons, our "leaders" are morons, too. They fight over which useless program to fund, missing the entire point. Why spend billions on useless programs, when the same money could save millions of lives - including their own, their children, their parents...But, of course, you are too stupid to even ask them to do otherwise!

Well, in a thousand years, we will eventually evolve to the point where the idiots don't run the planet and can't hold back human progress. But by then I will be dust, and no one will even remember I (or you) existed!

Oh, what's the point? My fate is tied to the 6.6 billion mental midgets who inhabit this beautiful but cursed planet, who have virtually no interest in evolving the human race. It is only during times of great stress and conflict that people get out of their lethargy and think and actually do something. Otherwise, they are just oblivious animals.

Well, sorry to have bothered you. You can go back to sleep now. Nothing to see here. Have a nice day! What mindless drivel do you look forward to watching tonight?


Desmond (and Molly) Jones said...

Where did you get the 6 billion figure from?

Source of Information said...

You are right - it should be 6.7 billion morons.

niknaknoo said...

What difference does it make? Our memories will be gone when we die, we won't know how long we lived, we won't know how happy we were.

Just enjoy being alive I say (while it lasts!)

Source of Information said...

The difference is that by shifting resources, you will live and not die. Duh.

Anonymous said...

You appear to possess a very limited view of humanity and life in general. Why would you even want to continue breathing?

Get outside of yourself and start helping people any way that you can ~ you may discover that happiness comes from within, not without.

The nice thing is that people like you don't effect my own happiness in the least.

Quit crying and start living....

Oliver's Army said...

Why is it that when people talk or write about 'all the stupid people in the world' they leave themselves out? It's idiots like the writer of this blog that are killing the rest of us! By engaging in time wasting activities like blog writing instead of finding cures for diseases that might strike me, the Magnificent and Exalted One, you are also dooming your neighbors. For Shame! :-D :-D

Source of Information said...

I leave myself out because I am not one of the stupid people. The stupid people are the people who do nothing to further the progress of the human race. One way I am trying to do something is by expressing my opinion in this blog and making people think about their useless lives. If you want to consider my points, then great. If not, then just go back to being a moron, but shut your ignorant pie hole.

Source of Information said...

As for cures, I am researching cures, which I present on other blogs.

Dan said...

Man, I just wasted my time reading this post.

Source of Information said...

And I just wasted my time reading your comment. The only difference is that I'm right and you are a moron.

Anonymous said...

You are right, we should find a solution so we can all live forever. The truth is you put too much emphasis on "YOURSELF". Yes, we all die, and no we are not all morons. As a species, we live up to a point, leave knowledge in the form of books, a newer generation of humans will quickly learn what we left behind and then advance our civilization. It's called evolution and it's working perfectly OK for the past few hundred million years, otherwise we'd still be little germs swimming around. We cannot all live forever, because the problem we face in the world now is over population. Japan is facing that issue right now. Too many old people, not enough young people going to work to subsidize old age pensioners. What is stupid in our society is how we look up to sports heros and movie heros as our inspiration. We should be looking up to health doctors, scientists, researchers who cure diseases, what about the group that discovered wifi? This is what is wrong with the world.

Anonymous said...

This blog confirms Woodrow Wilson, who said:

"I have always been among those who believe that the greatest freedom of speech was the greatest safety, because if a man is a fool the best thing to do is to encourage him to advertise the fact by speaking."

May 10, 1919

Anonymous said...

As the great Pee Wee said, "I know you are, but what am I?"

Anonymous said...

This post is great, my sentiments exactly. Why oh why was I unlucky enough to be born now, and not a few thousand years into the future, with longevity to explore the endless universe.

Insted I'm stuck here with a planet full of whining morons who are only concerned with just the most mundane, stupid things, and vote in stupid leaders who divert resources to welfare programs and useless projects. Somehow I'm hoping that there will be a sea change within my lifetime, but more morons keep flooding in by the millions every week.

On the other hand it's better to live now than thousands of years ago, when you died in your twenties from an infected scratch or broken limb, if you survived childhood at all.

Source of Information said...

Thank you for your comments! Yes, a thousand years from now, humans will be like gods, and will experience lives that make ours seem like grotesque cavemen. At least I'm not the only person who feels this way.

Sometimes I feel like I am on the Titanic and I see the iceberg coming...and everyone is saying, "Don't worry about it - just enjoy the moment!" or "Don't be so negative!" or "Just change your own life." As I'm not the captain of the ship, I can't change it's course. Hey, that's a good idea for another blog! Thanks!

And if you'd like to communicate more, send a message to my email address, which is:

And tell your friends to read my blog - let's get the message out!

Anonymous said...

I like that thought about humans as gods. I believe individuals should take the place of "God" in their own life. A future human being would indeed seem like a god to anyone living today with their advanced technology and knowlegde.

If human lifespan can be extended, then I think it would be possible to live long enough for even more advanced life extension technology to come around, and so maybe it could be possible to leapfrog from this generation into the distant future. It's a thought, but like I said before I think it requires a sea change within a generation, maybe even two at the latest. After that it will probably be too late for me, as it sadly already is for my parents and their generation. Too bad all those people growing up after WW2 were more concerned with being hippies and protesting "the establishment". Now look at the world, way to go.

- Frustrated Optimist.

Anonymous said...

the thing is man we cant live forever our planet cant sustain it and unlike you not everyone wants to live forever what's the point of an endless existence there be no meaning to living if there was no end. death is scary as it is an end as some see it but some see it as a new great adventure to find the answer to the question what happens when we die. by the way if your so much smarter then us morons then why haven't you found a way to stop death instead of bitching about it on the internet if were so much dumber then I should be a waste of time for such a great genius as you right?

Anonymous said...

I think the only thing that can save the human race is a global alien invasion of annihilation and perhaps then we'll forget all the bullshit and cast aside our differences and unite in some ways to advance the species and our survival.

Anonymous said...

Don't jump

Menachem wuz here said...



Anonymous said...

Go read spirituality mate.
